Ch-00 ( love, the connection we can't explain)

β™‘Inayah's pov β™‘

(TW: Mention of suicide/self harm)

Love [LUV] NOUN: A strong , deep feeling of affection.

Just 4 letters, 1 syllable yet it holds the strength to mend thousand broken souls.

It is the light that enlighten those who give and receive it .

Love is power, it allows the humanity to not extinguish from a person.

It can have deeper meaning for others from their aspects .

For some it is the Sparks from one's touch. Love can be a memory ; the feeling of one's fingerprints imprinted across the body, mind , heart and soul .

love can be the art of eye contact making one smile so easily .

love can be a safe place for a wanderer.

love is faith.

Love is forgiveness

love is recherche.

Love is easy love is complicated , mostly complicated.

love is medicine -Bitter yet it heals one's most lost parts.

Love is a tragedy about to happen.

It can be highly misunderstood, yet highly desirable, the more it breaks you the more you crave for it .

For people with 'Philophobia' love is fear : A religion which is no longer worshipped .

love reveals.

Love is agape - selfless, sacrificial. No matter the circumstances.

love is being moonstruck : unable to think and act , loosing yourself from reality.

love is a state of intense happiness and euphoria.

For me love is a perfect ILLUSION.

It is a feeling seldom returned and never deserved.

For me it is trying your best to become the perfect version for someone who still thinks you are not good enough.

Love is fake.

Love is just a nerve functioning in your brain creating the senses of complex chemical reactions.

Some people also had a chance of experiencing the oxytocin which causes the birth of the strongest feeling know as love. The chance which I never had.

My mother died when I was 10 years old. I only have very few glimpses and memories of her as a person, but I know she was a very strong woman. She was 20 when she met my father, both young and in love decided to get married and after few years they had me. For my mother ,her life was perfect a small happy family, her perfect paradise. It was like a dream come true for her. But like said all dreams are broken the moment you wake up from your sleep, her perfect paradise was destroyed the day my father started drinking.

At first he was not an aggressive drunk. But after few months he started getting verbally aggressive, and one day he got so angry that he slapped my mother.

He came back from his work late at night drunk and angry. He started abusing my mother and when she said something that he didn't liked he dropped the bottle of alcohol and slapped her across her face. I don't have a clear vision of that day but some wounds gets imprinted in your mind and for me this incident have left a scar so deep that it still hurts till this day.

After creating the havoc in our life he went into his room to sleep peacefully. I was sitting under the table hiding. My mother didn't saw me , she was picking the pieces of broken glass I could see tears flowing out of her eyes like the raindrops that slide across your window on a heavy rainy day , she was saying the same thing again and again that this is all a nightmare she has to wake up from.

Next day my father pretended that this never happened.

Days turned into months . My father got more aggressive and started abusing my mother and the next day he would say sorry. My mother was hopeless when it came to be in love she gave her mind , soul her body to the only person she every loved so she forgave him every time.

We were stuck In this loophole for years and one day finally my mothers mind bottle in which she was hiding all of her pain and regret finally overflowed.

It was my birthday that day . I remember she asked me to bring the strongest rope from the shop. I also remember her being very happy that day .

After giving her the rope I went outside to play with my friends after one hour when I came back I knocked her bedroom door I was so excited I thought she was giving me a surprise for my birthday. After few minutes when the door didn't bulged from its place I pushed it. It creaked and finally opened .

The room was dark which was unsual because my mom always used to light the candles.

When I brought the lighted candle from the kichen it dropped from my hand. Its melted wax slowly dripping on my feet.

I saw my mothers feet dangling from the sky. like she was floating , a rope in her neck attached from the ceiling its the last memory of her that I remember .

From that day my fathers aggression and abuse shifted from her to me and he started blaming me for her death and I believed every word he said .

But atleast she got her happy freedom.


An: Dun dun dun

Ahahhhh I can't believe I am writing this as an official author ...well I guess I am official.. wait what? Anyways!!

How was the chapter?? Don't you dare say it was bad because that job is for me.

I know I know but it will getter better in future this was just a glimpse β™‘β™‘

And I swear you have to wait for entry of love interest because my standards are way too high after fictional mens written by women .

I hope you guys are attracted enough by this chapter to continue.

Please continue ( or I will kill you in your sleep)

Follow me on instagram: https://instagram.com/mxxnchild07?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ==

You can also follow me on wattpad, I post my chapters there before <3

Byeeee humans

Peace ✌️

Treat people with kindness ( even the mean ones)

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